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Welcome to CrossFit SEO! Est. 2011
The first CrossFit affiliate in Athens, Ohio.  Located less than 2 miles from campus!

Our focus at CrossFit SEO is on your personal growth. We want you to have improved self-confidence, a stronger mind-body connection, more energy, and increased mental toughness.


We understand that everyone that comes to us doesn't necessarily want or need to become a world class athlete. However, we want all of our community members to improve their core, foundational movements, become stronger, and be healthier. After coming to CrossFit, we want you to be able to complete your daily tasks more efficiently and with greater ease.

The Box

CrossFit is different from all other fitness programs. CrossFit prepares you for the day-to -day activities that your body endures throughout the years. The "box" is a new environment to most as you will not find treadmills, ellipticals, mirrors and most importantly - scales. The term "box" refers to a CrossFit gym. Many boxes are located in old warehouses, loading docks, and even personal home garages. 


Our Philosophy

The three most important principles of CrossFit SEO:


·   Adherence to the foundations of the CrossFit Way

·   Improving one’s overall sense of well-being while building physical competence and mental confidence for people of all ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities.

·   An unwavering commitment to our community.


We want people to grow together and be competitive in healthy manner. It is natural for people to be competitive and we do our best to channel this energy and use it as effectively as possible. 

Commitment To Our Community


Working out tends to be an afterthought when we consider our daily tasks – whether it’s work, school, taking care of kiddos, etc.  At CrossFit SEO, we believe maintaining our health and well-being is just as important as the all of the other “stuff” we do in a day.  By taking an hour out of your day and devoting it to wellness, we believe you will be better equipped to handle the nuances of life and go forth with strength, energy and health!


So, what makes CrossFit SEO different from other gyms?  Accountability.  The community of CrossFit  SEO provides a place to belong, no matter where you are on your fitness goal timeline!  We strive to provide a safe, fun, encouraging, friendly atmosphere to help you achieve your fitness goals!

© 2011-2021 SEO Fitness, LLC.  All rights reserved. 

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