In just a short time, Joe has gotten to know his own strength on the barbell and has developed a real sensibility for knowing how much weight to load. This is incredibly hard to achieve, and we’re as impressed with his restraint as with his intensity. Furthermore, Joe is always more concerned with proper technique and form, than with doing the Rx weight. As a result, he typically finishes the wod and even has time to cheer on the other athletes in his quiet, encouraging way.
The coaches really appreciate Joe’s kindhearted and considerate approach to his fellow athletes—and the “turtles” he works out with sure do require patience from time to time. (Joe even has been known to partner with Lisa, aptly nicknamed, “the Princess,” on partner wods!) But even on a normal day, he’s on the lookout for what others need, whether it’s a spot on the rig or a bit more room for their barbell.
We’re so glad that Joe still has time left before he completes his degree, because we can’t wait to see what he will accomplish. We feel sure these great leaps are only the beginning for him. Plus, it’s just wonderful for us to have him around. Keep up the good work, Joe, and all you SEO-ers. Looking forward to woding together in the sunshine!
Written by: Kristin LeMay
The CrossFit SEO coaches are delighted to award April’s Member of the Month to Joe Cimino.
Joe has not been with us for that long, but he has made significant gains in his time at SEO. He shows that CrossFit is not just about quantity, but about quality: how well can you move, how smartly can you load the barbell, how much heart do you have? Joe’s performance in the gym, day by day, proves that he’s definitely on the right track in answering those questions. You can see it in every wod he does.
Don’t be fooled by his pleasant expression during workouts (while the rest of us are grimacing). It’s not that running, burpees, and other body-weight movements are comfortable for Joe, because they’re not! Rather, he’s comfortable with being uncomfortable. He has an incredible engine—one of the best in the box—and he uses it to move at the edge of his capacity. On the rig, too, he’s now connecting his pull-ups and TTB as if he’s been at this a lot longer than he has.
APRIL 2015